Thursday, May 27, 2010


Recently we discovered that the town where we live (Palo Alto, CA) has a library devoted to children's books and now every couple weeks we bike there and load up on 30 or more that we bring home and devour over the days and nights with our daughter, Lena. Many of the books are good, some are spectacular, and some are a bit unbearable. Some come recommended from friends, others are one's we remember from childhood, some have enticing titles or covers, and others are simply grabbed en route to the check-out.

These recent reading excursions were the original inspiration for this blog. Beyond this, however, was a desire to share books of all kinds with our friends and family. We love to learn what others are reading and to explore people's bookshelves while on our travels. In our house we have a bookshelf with rows devoted to our favorites - those books we love to send out in the world with friends, welcome back, and send out again. Our hope is that this blog will be a bit like those shelves, where we can all share with each other those books that grab us.

Given the number of books we read with Lena, our posts will be skewed towards kids books, though not entirely. This is a forum for people to share books of all kinds - poetry books, cookbooks, novels, novelas, nonfiction, fiction, picture books, graphic novels, zines, field guides, etc. - whatever grabs you is fair game. That's what we want and we hope you'll jump in.