Monday, June 20, 2011

Cherries and cherry pits by Vera B. Williams

I love Vera Williams' stories and this is another great one! Definitely worth reading. The drawings are wonderful and the story - structured around a girl's own storytelling - is really sweet.

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

To look at any thing by John Moffitt

To look at any thing,
If you would know that thing,
You must look at it long:
To look at this green and say,
“I have seen spring in these
Woods,” will not do – you must
Be the thing you see:
You must be the dark snakes of
Stems and ferny plumes of leaves,
You must enter in
To the small silences between
The leaves,
You must take your time
And touch the very peace
They issue from.

Picture Books About Moving

As we prepare for our upcoming move to Durham, NC we're digging out some of the books we got when we moved to CA two years ago. Thought I'd post a few of them here and will follow up with some new ones that address more "grown-up" issues like missing people.

coverBig Ernie's New Home is my favorite so far. It tells the story of a move through the eyes of a cat. Big Ernie doesn't feel so "big" in his new home and it takes him a while to give his new home a chance and find things to like about it. This book is pretty different than most books about moving because it isn't so literal (see below).

coverMoving House is an extremely literal young reader style book about moving that introduces many of the concepts of moving that might otherwise throw your young child off: going to visit your new house, people coming to see your old house, packing, movers, having your own room, etc.. Not a literary masterpiece but was reassuring for our daughter.

coverWe're Moving covers many of the same themes but has the added storyline of exploring your new home (looking for a lost toy) and making it your own (planting flowers like at the last house).

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Two old potatoes and me by John Coy

A children's book about a father and daughter growing potatoes together with the helpful advice of grandfather. The story is great and the artwork is really wonderful. We checked this one out of the library months ago and then rediscovered it yesterday!